This Wednesday saw the Private View of the
UCS School of Arts Degree Show. The evening was a great success with drinks flowing freely all night, good humour and industry interest in student work.

Dan looks on as Damien eyes keeps his eye on the drink
The show took place in 2 locations; the new Waterfront Building where the first graduating BA (Hons) Photography students exhibited, and in the Art Block in Campus North. Fine Art and Interior Design students took the top and ground floor exhibition spaces in the Art Block respectively with Graphics taking two rooms on the middle floor. Despite the middle floor being traditionally difficult rooms to show in, the quality of the work and room layout overshadowed this and the graphics exhibition was the busiest of the lot all night dragging well on past the official finish time and needless to say, spilt over into a nearby bar.
Dave talks to Tom and Chris
Congratulations to award winners:
Ümit Souleyman - Level One Studentship Award.
Hannah Ruffles - Level Two Studentship Award.
Suzanne Franks - Level Three Studentship Award and The Graham Scott Award for Typography.
One of the patrons of the course, TCM, awarded three prizes in memory of the late Adam Easdon (an ex-student of the course who worked at TCM after graduating) for a brief they set at the beginning of the year: Runner-ups, Anna Nyberg and Robbie McWilliams both received cash prizes while Sean Scannell won £1000 and work experience with the London based Media Production Company. Simon and Ben from TCM were genuinely shocked by the quality of the work and had a tough time choosing a winner, mentioning that much of it could have gone straight to TV.
Ian chats to Rachel
Well done to all the Graphics students for an excellent show, you've done yourselves proud.
The show continues until Monday 8th, 10 am - 6 pm and 11 am - 3 pm on Saturday and Sunday.