Tuesday 27 January 2009

East Ipswich

The view from the 6th floor of the new University Campus Suffolk Waterfront Building (click on photo for larger image). This is the closest I've made it to the sedum roof which appears to have settled in well since it was laid in September last year. I've posted here several times with views of the building from the Art & Design block (the grey building to the right of the chimney) as well as waterfront panoramas. Here you can see UCS Campus North, to the left of the chimney, inherited from Suffolk College (whose new building is still in construction just out of shot and due to open September 2009). Most of the current site is due to be demolished and landscaped over the next few years. Some is also due for a major refurbishment this coming summer, particularly the Art & Design department. Further to the right you can just make out Alexander Park that I walk through everyday to work and further right, Holywells Park.

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